Is It Worth Getting Solar Panel Battery Storage?

Apr. 06, 2024

Is It Worth Getting Battery Storage with Solar Panels?

A solar battery is an additional cost to your solar installation but it means you can consume more of the energy your solar panels generate since it allows you to store solar energy for use in the evenings.


Although a solar battery is an additional cost, it is undoubtedly worth it in the long term.


Key Points of Solar Panel Battery Storage:


- Solar panel battery storage enables you to utilize more of the energy generated by your solar panels.

- It allows you to store surplus energy for later use, particularly during evenings, reducing reliance on the grid.

- Ultimately, it decreases dependence on the National Grid for electricity consumption.

- By reducing reliance on non-renewable electricity from the National Grid, it has the potential to lower your carbon footprint, as solar panels generate 100% clean electricity.

- You can store energy from the grid when rates are at their lowest, maximizing cost savings.

- It offers a reliable power backup during blackouts, ensuring uninterrupted electricity supply.

- Utilizing solar panel battery storage helps minimize payments to energy companies, empowering you to retain more of your hard-earned money.


What is a Solar Battery?


When sunlight strikes the surface of a solar panel, it generates direct current (DC) electricity. This electricity can either be routed directly to an inverter (required for converting DC to AC for household use), or it can be stored in a solar battery for later use.


On average, solar batteries typically have a usable capacity ranging between 4kWh and 9kWh. Usable capacity refers to the amount of energy that can be stored and utilized from a battery without causing damage or reducing its lifespan. It essentially measures how much energy can be discharged from the battery without significant wear and tear.


For instance, if a solar battery has a total capacity of 10 kWh and a usable capacity of 8 kWh, it means that 8 kWh of energy can be safely utilized without harming the battery or shortening its lifespan. The remaining 2 kWh are reserved to maintain the battery's longevity.


Usable capacity is a critical consideration when selecting a battery for a solar system, as it determines the amount of energy that can be stored and used during periods of low solar production or high energy demand.


A higher usable capacity allows for more energy storage and usage, offering greater energy independence and potential cost savings over time.


When you choose to utilize the energy stored in the solar battery, it undergoes conversion in the inverter (still in DC form), where it is transformed into AC current suitable for household use or for selling back to the National Grid.


Solar Panel Battery Storage

How Long Do Solar Panel Batteries Last?


It's important to note that the average solar panel battery is typically not a one-time purchase. This is because the average lifespan of a solar panel battery ranges from around 10 to 15 years, which is close to half the life expectancy of an average solar panel array.


Therefore, if you've recently installed a solar system or plan to do so in the future, you'll likely need to invest in a solar panel battery twice over the total lifespan of your solar system.


While it's anticipated that prices for solar panel batteries, like any new technology, will decrease over time, it's currently challenging to predict future costs based solely on today's prices.


Disadvantages of Solar Batteries


Like any technology, solar battery storage comes with its drawbacks, with two major considerations:


1. Increased Initial Solar Outlay:


Purchasing a solar battery adds to the upfront cost of your solar panel system. While solar batteries offer numerous benefits, such as increased energy utilization from your panels, some may argue that the additional expense of a battery isn't financially prudent. However, the cost-effectiveness ultimately depends on factors like the break-even point and your specific financial calculations.


2. Requires More Space:


The size of a solar battery depends on its storage capacity, but they typically resemble household appliances in size. Consequently, you'll need adequate space to accommodate the battery and its connections. Many homeowners opt to install and designate a space on their garage wall for solar battery storage. This location not only offers convenience but also helps shield the battery from external elements like moisture and rain.


Are Solar Panels Batteries Storage Worth It?


In conclusion, solar panel battery storage present numerous advantages, but their worthiness hinges on factors such as your budget, preferences, and financial objectives.


On one hand, solar panel batteries offer several benefits, including reductions in electricity bills and decreased reliance on the National Grid. Additionally, they contribute to lowering your carbon footprint, as electricity generated by solar panels is entirely green. Utilizing solar energy instead of grid electricity, which comes from mixed sources, is environmentally preferable.


Ultimately, determining whether a solar battery is worth the investment is a personal decision. However, you don't have to navigate this decision alone. Start your journey by exploring available options and seeking expert guidance.


Quality of Solar Batteries


Various factors influence the potential cost savings of a solar battery for a household. In addition to their usable capacity, the overall quality of solar batteries can vary significantly.


Certain batteries may degrade more quickly than others, and warranties for solar batteries also differ.


Therefore, if you're considering purchasing a solar battery, it's advisable to invest time in researching and comparing options to find the best fit for your needs.

Solar Panel Battery Storage
